About the American Legion Auxiliary
In this world of ours, the American Legion Auxiliary shines as an example of unselfish giving.
With almost a million members from all walks of life, the Auxiliary administers hundreds of volunteer programs,
gives tens of thousands of hours to its communities and to veterans, and raises millions of dollars to support its own programs as well as other worthwhile charities familiar to most Americans. It is all accomplished with volunteers. The vision of the American Legion Auxiliary is to support The American Legion while becoming the premier service organization and foundation of every community providing support for our veterans, our military, and
their families by shaping a positive future in an atmosphere of fellowship, patriotism, peace and security.
The following is a brief description of some of the volunteer programs the Post 15 Auxiliary is currently involved in:
Veteran’s Breakfast -
In November of each year, we either help serve or organize the Veteran’s Day Breakfast
at the Vet’s Club at 305 N. Cleveland in Loveland.
It is from 6:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. right before the Veterans’ day parade in Loveland.
Girls State -
From our fund raisers during the year, we pay for the girls that are juniors in high school, to go to Girls State.
It is a one week hands-on program where they learn about our form of government, from county to national.
They can run for office and try to get bills and laws enacted. We meet the girls before they go and have them tell us a little something about themselves, and explain what happens at Girls State. We have some girls attend that went the previous year tell their personal experiences. We invite all the girls back in the fall to a dessert party to tell us what they did learn and what they got out of going.
Our main fundraiser for Girls State is the Friday night Bingo kitchen that we sponsor every 4th Friday at the Vet’s Club, 305 N. Cleveland in Loveland. Please call Kellie if you would like to volunteer to help at our next Bingo kitchen. 970/690-0015 Anyone interested in being a member, please call Kellie at 970/690-0015