A Brief History of The American Legion Riders of Colorado
On 21 June 2001, the Constitution and By Laws of the American Legion Riders of Colorado was approved by the Department Executive Committee, making The American Legion Riders of Colorado the first group in the nation to be recognized as a committee by their Department and having a set of Constitution and By Laws approved by their Department leadership. In 2005 The American Legion Riders of Colorado became a bona fide program of the Department of Colorado and gained the opportunity to elect their state officers by approval of a new Constitution and By Laws at the Mid Year Department Executive Committee meeting.
The American Legion Riders of Colorado was formed in November of 1996. The idea first came out of Michigan. Here in Colorado we took the idea and improved on it. The first thing we did was having the patch redone by a professional company. The result was a patch that we felt The American Legion would be proud to have us display.
The American Legion Riders of Colorado are proud to lead the way into the future and assist with the rebuilding of The American Legion family membership. The program also promotes the real camaraderie that all Veterans and their families have in their hearts. Additionally, our program brings back the ideals of having both the Auxiliary and the Son's of The American Legion included in the family. What better way to serve the community and help promote the POW-MIA and other Veteran issues than as a family on motorcycles.
Feeling the freedom of the wind in your face. Being able to ride for causes that we believe in. Those are the things that our POW-MIA’s gave us in their sacrifice for God and Country. We will never let them be forgotten.
You are invited to join The American Legion Riders of Colorado, Chapter 15.